Thursday 14 May 2009

Outward Focused?

I am just back from catching up with a good friend who was in Armagh today on business, we met at the Bagel Bean (well worth a visit, cream cheese and mango chutney on a Jalapeno bagel, its amazing). Anyhow we got talking about Church, Christ and Mission. He heads up a thing called 'Face to Face' each week in his home town where a team head out into the streets and simply take risks as God leads them people. They don't have literature or free stuff all they do is rely on The Holy Spirit to show up and begin conversations.

This guy has been consistently on mission since I've known him (18 years) no matter if its in work, the street, the pub, he's always looking to see who the Father is calling to Himself and joining that conversation. The only thing that gets to him at times is the fact that he has lost 75/80% of his hearing. I guess you could call that an outward focused life, even though there are obstacles and times of doubt and discouragement, nothing ignites his soul more than seeing people come into relationship with God the Father.

I have to ask myself the question; "Am I really outward focused?"




photogr said...

This story caught my eye about your friend. I tend to relate to people with hearing loss. Johhny Ray ( singer from the 50s) and Bethoven. I too have a hearing loss from child hood ( 90 % in one and 15 % in the other ear). It can be very daunting and bothersome with your life if you let it. It did for me but I over came it with lip reading and insisting people spoke up and face me so I could hear them and read their lips.

Now that I am in a Vineyard in the states, I feel a connection I did not experience out side of a church. Guess the people there accepted me for what I really am with a disability. What really matters is I can hear God if he speaks to me.

jasondscott said...

Hi Photogr, thanks for sharing your story here. I'm trilled you found the Vineyard a place of acceptance and a place to belong.

Stay Alive!