Monday 23 February 2009


'I believe in the Church' continued, as we celebrated our 5th birthday with a baptism. What a party! I'd say my favourite service at the Vineyard has to be baptism's. People telling THEIR STORY, "a person with an experience is never at the mercy of a person with an argument".

It's a powerful moment when people tell their story of how God has changed their life and how He continues to show up in their everyday ordinary life. Sometimes when I feel tired and stuck on this journey of Church planting, the one thing that propels me forward is life change. I confess I'm an addict, I can't live with out it, I crave it; seeing God change life's.

Michelle and I got to baptise our two boys yesterday, I was so proud of them. They came up front during our morning celebration with the others who were being baptised. Each person tells their story. Micah (aged 9) did a great job explaining the theology of water baptism. "Jesus did it so I want to do it too".

You know what? "I believe in the Church"


brechud said...

Hey J, Sunday was incredible! You are right about people sharing their stories. It's one of the most convincing ways I know of giving God what is due Him, which is honor and praise for life change. I can honestly say it's my story too. And I wanted to thank you and Michelle for all of the hard work you have put into the church since it's beginning. I hope you felt truly rewarded on Sunday!

ylmurph said...

this is great stuff - just the best. Very cool man