Sunday 23 March 2008

In Light of the Cross

He is risen, He is risen indeed!

The message of Easter could be summed up with one word 'FREEDOM'. I think we got there before good old Mel Gibson. This morning the Vineyard kicked of at 8am at the historical Castle Hill site. We called it our dawn service (Dawn as in Vineyard time). We proclaimed the resurrection and my soul was awakened that we are the Easter people, the Easter community who are called to liberate humanity and bring freedom.
In every world wide religion and cult they all have a form of self denial, they fast, they walk for miles, some even crawl on their knees to pay penance. What separates the movement of Christ as we carry our cross daily, what makes us different is that we have a resurrection. If there is no resurrection all you have is a religious self denial. The cross was not the end game it was a means to an end. Jesus endured it for the HOPE that was set before Him.
This Easter take up your cross as a sign and demonstration as yielding your will to Christs and allow the resurrection power that raised Christ from the dead to break into your life and to the life of those around you.
Your Kingdom Come your Will be done.
He is risen!
He is risen indeed!

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